
Measuring Customer Acquisition Cost

New customers: Something we're all after. But what does it cost to acquire them? Are our marketing efforts and promotions worth the cost? Such questions dominate the minds of marketers and salespeople alike, especially at emerging brands where…

Facebook Part 2: Pages, Boosted Posts, Ads, and Why Everything Costs Something

Welcome back to our series on Facebook and its capabilities for emerging brands. As promised, we're taking a slow and deliberate walk through all things Facebook, and our goal has been to start very high level and work into more detail. In Part…

Natural food isn’t a trend, it’s here to stay

The natural food trend is getting more coverage in the mainstream press. Here’s a recent article in Reuters, for example: Food and drink multinationals spend far less on R&D than their counterparts in many sectors like tech and healthcare.…

Facebook: a unique platform for emerging brands

Over the next few weeks we’ll be discussing Facebook in detail, including topics like its utility as a tool for brands, easy to run strategies, and various nuances. Let’s start with an overview. Facebook provides a unique opportunity…

Introducing Khaana Marketing

We're excited to introduce Khaana Marketing! What is khaana? It is the Hindi word for food — and that says it all. At Khaana Marketing we combine a passion for food with a love of storytelling. At its heart, every food brand is the story…