two one-way street signs

When to Consider Rebranding (and How to Do It Right)

Rebranding a company or product offers an opportunity to grow far beyond your current reach. Success or failure will depend on how it’s done.
service bell

Why Outsource Marketing? Benefits of Working with a Full-Service Agency

We often get asked where we fit into today’s ever-changing marketing landscape. Are we primarily digital? Do we “just do social media?” Do we strictly help define strategy or do we also execute marketing campaigns?

Khaana turns 2: A look back...and ahead

Two years have flown by since Khaana Marketing, LLC was founded. It’s been a great journey with many evolutions—and lots of lessons learned.
Computer keyboard with shopping cart key

Magento users: Is it time to upgrade—or switch?

Magento plans to discontinue its support for Version 1, leaving legacy users with a difficult choice to upgrade or switch to another platform.
Small business strategy session

Why we love growing businesses—and what we can learn from them

In celebration of Small Business Week, we’re taking a look at the qualities we love about growing businesses—and how these winning traits can be adopted into any marketing strategy.

The end of Magento support creates a unique opportunity for ecommerce businesses

In the ever-evolving world of ecommerce, customers on the Magento Version 1 (both Community and Enterprise) platform are faced with an unfortunate reality: Magento has decided to end support for the platform effective June 2020.
Why Your Brand Story Matters

Stop selling, start telling: Why your brand story matters

If you’re focused on selling rather than telling, you’re missing key opportunities to connect with your ideal customers, set yourself apart in a crowded market, and make your brand irresistible.
What is a predictive economy—and how can you prepare for it?

What is a predictive economy—and how can you prepare for it?

By Jennifer Reed It’s the oldest question in the book: What do customers want? As business owners and managers, we all wish we had a crystal ball. Data science is a close second. It provides information about where customers are coming…

Pay per click or Facebook funnels?

By Sameer Shah I get asked this question a lot: Should I use pay per click or Facebook advertising to sell my product, generate leads, or meet other business objectives? Many marketers immediately say, "BOTH!" or "ALL OF THE ABOVE!"…