Entries by Sameer Shah

Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods – interesting analysis

Detailed analysis from BevNet. Here’s an excerpt, read the full article here. “What Amazon does well, Whole Foods does not. And what Whole Foods does well, Amazon either doesn’t do or hasn’t had success with,” Schweizer said. “The tech side of amazon with data aggregation and consumer insights, competitive pricing strategy, is really unparalleled. And […]

Natural food isn’t a trend, it’s here to stay

The natural food trend is getting more coverage in the mainstream press. Here’s a recent article in Reuters, for example: Food and drink multinationals spend far less on R&D than their counterparts in many sectors like tech and healthcare. They have been wrongfooted over the past five years by the shifting habits of consumers who […]

Facebook: a unique platform for emerging brands

Over the next few weeks we’ll be discussing Facebook in detail, including topics like its utility as a tool for brands, easy to run strategies, and various nuances. Let’s start with an overview. Facebook provides a unique opportunity for emerging brands to build awareness and drive online sales for two reasons: First, it’s the most […]

Introducing Khaana Marketing

We’re excited to introduce Khaana Marketing! What is khaana? It is the Hindi word for food — and that says it all. At Khaana Marketing we combine a passion for food with a love of storytelling. At its heart, every food brand is the story of a person or people who took a unique passion […]